Sunday, January 27, 2013

Storing Your Family History Online

Storing family history information can be tricky. There is a lot of information out there, and storing it all in a way to collaborate with others can be difficult.

For those who use Family Search, you can use SourceBox, which allows you to pin family history data to documents, thus proving that annoying guy wrong that keeps changing great grandma's birthday on your records.

For those who don't, I stumbled across a great FREE resource for storing family history data: Dropbox.

Dropbox is a external storage center that allows you to store your family history data on an external drive, so if your computer crashes, catches on fire, gets broken by your two year old, or is eaten by your dog, your hard earned family history data is safe.

Simply go to and download Dropbox on your desktop, and drag your family history or other files into that folder. Viola! Your information is safe and secure.

The second best part (right behind the FREE part) is that you can share a folder with someone and they can share data to that folder. So I have shared my family history folder with my dad so he can keep up with what I upload. Anytime he or I uploads information, pictures, etc. to that folder, we both have instant access to the new document.

1 comment:

  1. I needed a way to send 90+ files sized 360 MB on Saturday, Jan 26th! I ended up burning a CD and mailing it. Glad I know this for next time. Excellent tip.
    And I've been searching for a couple of years for a good way to share my family history files with relatives. This will be very helpful. Way to go Dan. Thanks.
